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Jobs published today


Monday 20 April 2009

Hooters & Shooters: Dancers Wanted!!

Contact Elle Kirshner, Savannah Ducatillon, and Abfab Hax. Hours: 4-6 and 6-8 PM SLT.Calling all Hot and Sexy Avatars!! Male and Female!! Hooters & Shooters is hiring DANCERS!! Yes, you heard this correctly!! H&S, one of the premier clubs in SL is now accepting applications!! Want to work at THE best club in SL? Want to have a great friendly, drama-free time...and make some good sized lindens?? Then you need to come and apply now!!

Here are the requirements:

**We ask that you have non-newbie, high-style realistic skin, shape, and hair, as well as having been part of SL for at least two months before applying for a position. We will not interview you without those requirements being met. You are also required to submit at least two photos with your application.***

We also ask that you are able to be able to "work a crowd", be uber-friendly and have experience emoting in a flirty-friendly way.

If hired, you will be required to work 2 events per week as a minimum. H&S's event run daily from 4-6pm SLT and 6-8PM SLT

But how do I apply?

Simple. Come down to Hooters & Shooters located on the Caribbean City sim...look on the bar and grab a Application. Please read the application COMPLETELY!! The Application contains all the information you need to know.


Please submit your application to Elle Kirshner, Savannah Ducatillon, and Abfab Hax for consideration.

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