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Jobs published today


Wednesday 1 April 2009

Siren's Seductions is seeking dancers/escorts/DJs/AND hosts

Contact: Rhosyn Svenska
Workers keep 85%-95% of their tips
Hours: preferably as many as the dancer can do
Hi all my club called Siren's Seductions,a very unique club is seeking dancers and escorts.
I am seeking dancers/escorts who are creative/dedicated and not afraid to advertize. Since we are new we will need the dancers to advertize our events quiet abit, such as pass around notecards about our events ect. We have wide variety of dancing equiptment and we arent even done building yet!!! If you would like to know more please IM me on SL, preferably in between 3pm-1am SL time (am usualy sleeping camping till 3pm SL time so wont respond), if your interested in an application for dancer or dancer/ escort please drop in click on the application box right outside the club's entry way :) thank you!!

Also we host regular events, almost weekly! cash prize contests :)So be sure this isnt a club that doesnt do anything. When we have a bigger fan base I plan to host more then 1 event per week but for this to happen.. we need.. more.. dancers :)

when filling out club application please state if you wish to be dancer or dancer/escort so that I know which tag to give, thank you :) If your seeking dj or host job please add me as a friend on sl and IM me. or send me a IM on here to arrange a interview. DJs get 90% of their tips and djs with shoutcast get 95%, hostess get about 90%

PS: please instead of replying to this with a blank application GO to my club and fill out the application that is in the box beside the entry then drag it back into the box, dont worry I WILL read it. I check my application box DAILY. :)