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Jobs published today


Monday 20 April 2009


Contact SPHINX GOTHLY. Hours: 10 + per week. La Chambre is a new club owned by Sphinx Gothly. We already have a team of 12 staff and are looking to expand and employ a manager to help with the day to day running of the club. The job spec is as follows:



1. You will not manage or own another SL club or establishment while you are in La Chambres employment. Because you will receive a generous wage we expect you to spend no less than 10 hours a week at the club.

2. You will be responsible for hiring dancers, escorts, hosts and DJ's and must have experience of this.

3. You will be responsible for dealing with any front line issues which may occur on club premises should the owners be unavailable. This may mean making important decisions so you need to be confident in your management abilities.

4. You are responsible for passing on information to the club owners and liasing with them about any club issues. They have the final decision in all matters.

5. While you are at the club you are expected to be professional and polite at all times. The customers pay everyones wages / tips no matter how little they give and should be treated with respect.

6. Any issues with staff should be directed to an owner as soon as possible.

7. You are asked to add people to the VIP group whenever possible.

8. You should be a team player - this is essential for this environment to work successfully.

9. You may, if you wish, dance for tips , but escorting from the club is not permitted. Of course you may escort elsewhere.

10. You may be asked to help organise events and assist in hosting.


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